Saturday, March 9, 2013

The benefits of fish oil and a good multi-vitamin

So, I've finally managed to break the 190 pound barrier.  Okay, so its only down to 189.8 pounds, but still, its better than I expected and way better than I deserve, since my workouts have been virtually non-existent and my diet plan kind of went the way   of the do-do for a while.  Yeah, I ate McDonald's, on more than one occasion, And I ain't gonna lie, I enjoyed the hell out of it.  And yeah, I purposely avoided the scales because I knew it was going to be all bad.  

My only excuse (and it's not much of one) is that I've had a lot going on lately.  I've been struggling with the decision of whether or not I want to continue my education, and if so, trying to find a school whose curriculum is going to meet my needs and not suck up another four years of  life and cost me a freaking arm and a leg.  It's not as easy as you'd think, given the fact that I have to work full time which makes a traditional school a mostly non-viable option. And since the degree I'm seeking requires practicums and field work, the only viable online option I've found is going to take another three and a half years and $45K in student loan debt.  Not to mention a plane ride to parts unknown and time off my job to do my field work.  Did I mention that the plane ride is not included in the aforementioned $45K?

And work?  Oh, that's a whole other story!  Suffice it to say that I have been on quite a roller coaster ride over the course of the last six weeks or so, and it ain't over yet!  I can't really go into much detail since the number one rule of working in the correctional field is that you don't talk about it and you never really know who's cyber-stalking you.  So let's just say that I've been busier than a one-armed wall paper hanger and leave it at that.

But I digress, as I am known (frequently) to do.  It seemed as though every night as I was leaving work, somebody would tell me how tired I was looking.  And this was a fair assessment, since it was taking everything I had just to drag my ass out to my car and make the ten minute drive home.  When I would get home, I would immediately change into my jammies and hit the couch.  I stopped grocery shopping.  I stopped cooking dinner.  I quit drinking water as much and resumed drinking the occasional soda.  My skin started to suffer again, and my digestive system did too.

And the worst part of all of this was, I was doing it to myself and I knew it.  And yet, I felt powerless to stop.  I kept coming up with reason after reason and excuse after excuse to be a couch potato.  So, as I was driving home from work one night going through my customary litany of excuses/reasons why tonight would not be the best night to resume working out, I received a text from my "skinny Bitch" co-worker (And I only mean that in the most loving way, since she is also my friend), that included a picture that said in hot pink letters (one of my signature colors) on a black background, "DEAR FAT, GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY BODY."  Under this picture, she had written "This just sounds like something you would say.  LOL".  

Well, this was exactly the motivation I needed to put aside my "reasons" for not working out and get back to it.  So I sent her a text back that said "this is exactly what I needed to hear to work out!  thanks for the motivation!"  
Of course, in retrospect, I can see where my response may have sounded a tad on the snarky side.  As I was working out, I heard my phone receive another text.  Now anybody who knows me well knows I don't interrupt my workouts for mere text messages.  So, when I finished my workout I checked my phone, only to find that  she thought she had offended me.  I explained to her that I was being completely sincere and added the words "you dork" after.

The workouts resumed.  For a very short time.  Because then the unthinkable happened.  I. Got. Sick.  Yup, Got the nasty cold that everybody has been getting.  This had me laid up for about a week.  Another co-worker of mine, we'll call him Wild Bill, informed me that had I been taking 1000 milligrams of vitamin C along with a multi-vitamin and fish oil, this wouldn't have happened.

So, I am on day three of my new vitamin/fish oil regimen.  Although the fish oil capsules have no taste going down, they will have you burping a tuna fish after taste for the rest of the day.  At least for the first day.  It's gotten a little better each day since.  I figure it's going to take at least a month for all of this to kick in.  And I've resumed eating healthy, grocery shopping and working out.  My husband is also relieved that I'm cooking dinner again.  

Swimsuit season is no longer a ways away.  It's just around the corner, as any trip to any major clothing store will tell you.  And now I've really got to step it up, since my weeks of lolly-gagging have put me majorly behind schedule.